wwPDB Events at IUCr (August 5-12)
Meet wwPDB members from around the globe at the 23rd General Assembly and Congress of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr, August 5-12, 2014) in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Come to exhibition stand 114 to receive a special sticker celebrating your contributions to the 100,000+ structures in the PDB archive.
Other wwPDB events include:
Thursday August 7
- Poster: The New wwPDB Deposition and Annotation System presented by John Westbrook (RCSB PDB) BM.P54.A536
Saturday August 9
- Oral Presentation: The history of the PDB as a public resource for enabling science by Helen M. Berman (RCSB PDB) in MS61 The Beginnings Of Biological Crystallography (1:45 - 4:20pm) in Room 517d.
- Poster: Educational Outreach and User Training at the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (MS84.P01.B415) presented by Matthew Conroy (PDBe) and Christine Zardecki (RCSB PDB).
- Poster: Japanese Science & Technology with Crystallography (MS86.P17.B445) presented by Atsushi Nakagawa (PDBj).
Monday August 10
- Oral Presentation: Educational Outreach and User Training at the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (MS84.P01.B415) by Matthew Conroy (PDBe) and Christine Zardecki (RCSB PDB) in MS84 Crystallography Education and Training in the 21st Century: New Pedagogies, New Paradigms, Part I (9:40am - 12:15pm) in room 517a.
Tuesday August 12
- Oral Presentation: New wwPDB validation pipelines for X-ray, NMR and 3DEM structures by Sameer Velankar (PDBe) in MS100 Beginner's Guide to Validation of Crystallographic Results on (9:40am - 12:15pm) in room 517a.

Visit exhibition stand 114 for a sticker highlighting how many structures you've deposited.