Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Entity ID: 1 Molecule Chains Sequence Length Organism Details Image Phycoerythrin alpha subunit A [auth AA] ,
ADA [auth lH] ,
AEA [auth gK] ,
AGA [auth jM] ,
AK [auth CM] ,
AN [auth MP] ,
AO [auth NQ] ,
AU [auth Z4] ,
BB [auth BD] ,
BBA [auth hE] ,
BCA [auth uF] ,
BD [auth CF] ,
BG [auth CI] ,
BH [auth CJ] ,
BI [auth CK] ,
BV [auth N5] ,
BY [auth Q7] ,
BZ [auth C9] ,
C [auth CA] ,
CEA [auth iK] ,
CGA [auth lM] ,
CK [auth EM] ,
CM [auth OO] ,
CN [auth OP] ,
CO [auth PQ] ,
CU [auth j4] ,
DB [auth DD] ,
DBA [auth jE] ,
DD [auth EF] ,
DDA [auth bH] ,
DG [auth EI] ,
DH [auth EJ] ,
DI [auth EK] ,
DV [auth P5] ,
DY [auth S7] ,
DZ [auth E9] ,
E [auth EA] ,
EEA [auth kK] ,
EK [auth GM] ,
EM [auth QO] ,
EN [auth QP] ,
EO [auth RQ] ,
EU [auth l4] ,
FB [auth FD] ,
FBA [auth lE] ,
FD [auth GF] ,
FDA [auth dH] ,
FG [auth GI] ,
FH [auth GJ] ,
FI [auth GK] ,
FV [auth R5] ,
FY [auth U7] ,
FZ [auth G9] ,
G [auth GA] ,
GEA [auth mK] ,
GK [auth IM] ,
GM [auth SO] ,
GN [auth SP] ,
GO [auth TQ] ,
HB [auth HD] ,
HBA [auth aF] ,
HD [auth IF] ,
HDA [auth aJ] ,
HG [auth II] ,
HH [auth IJ] ,
HI [auth IK] ,
HU [auth b4] ,
HV [auth T5] ,
HY [auth W7] ,
HZ [auth I9] ,
I [auth IA] ,
IA [auth JB] ,
IAA [auth zC] ,
ICA [auth bG] ,
IEA [auth oK] ,
IK [auth KM] ,
IM [auth UO] ,
IN [auth UP] ,
IO [auth VQ] ,
IP [auth W1] ,
JB [auth JD] ,
JBA [auth cF] ,
JD [auth KF] ,
JDA [auth dJ] ,
JG [auth KI] ,
JH [auth KJ] ,
JI [auth KK] ,
JU [auth d4] ,
JV [auth V5] ,
JZ [auth K9] ,
K [auth KA] ,
KAA [auth pC] ,
KCA [auth dG] ,
KEA [auth qK] ,
KK [auth MM] ,
KM [auth WO] ,
KN [auth WP] ,
KO [auth XQ] ,
KT [auth O4] ,
LB [auth LD] ,
LBA [auth eF] ,
LD [auth MF] ,
LDA [auth fJ] ,
LH [auth MJ] ,
LI [auth MK] ,
LP [auth Z1] ,
LU [auth f4] ,
LV [auth X5] ,
LX [auth A7] ,
LZ [auth N9] ,
M [auth MA] ,
MAA [auth rC] ,
MCA [auth fG] ,
MEA [auth sK] ,
MG [auth NI] ,
MK [auth OM] ,
MP [auth f1] ,
NB [auth ND] ,
NBA [auth gF] ,
NC [auth OE] ,
ND [auth OF] ,
NDA [auth hJ] ,
NE [auth OG] ,
NF [auth OH] ,
NH [auth OJ] ,
NI [auth OK] ,
NM [auth ZO] ,
NU [auth h4] ,
NX [auth C7] ,
NZ [auth P9] ,
O [auth OA] ,
OAA [auth tC] ,
OCA [auth hG] ,
OEA [auth uK] ,
OG [auth PI] ,
OGA [auth jO] ,
OK [auth QM] ,
OM [auth AP] ,
ON [auth BQ] ,
OP [auth h1] ,
OU [auth A5] ,
OY [auth z8] ,
PB [auth PD] ,
PBA [auth iF] ,
PC [auth QE] ,
PD [auth QF] ,
PDA [auth jJ] ,
PE [auth QG] ,
PF [auth QH] ,
PH [auth QJ] ,
PI [auth QK] ,
PO [auth O1] ,
PX [auth E7] ,
PZ [auth R9] ,
Q [auth QA] ,
QAA [auth vC] ,
QCA [auth jG] ,
QG [auth RI] ,
QGA [auth lO] ,
QK [auth SM] ,
QM [auth CP] ,
QN [auth DQ] ,
QP [auth j1] ,
QU [auth C5] ,
QY [auth p8] ,
RB [auth RD] ,
RBA [auth kF] ,
RC [auth SE] ,
RD [auth SF] ,
RDA [auth lJ] ,
RE [auth SG] ,
RF [auth SH] ,
RH [auth SJ] ,
RI [auth SK] ,
RO [auth Q1] ,
RT [auth Q4] ,
RX [auth G7] ,
RZ [auth T9] ,
S [auth SA] ,
SA [auth TB] ,
SAA [auth xC] ,
SCA [auth lG] ,
SFA [auth aM] ,
SG [auth TI] ,
SK [auth UM] ,
SM [auth EP] ,
SN [auth FQ] ,
SP [auth l1] ,
SU [auth E5] ,
SY [auth r8] ,
TB [auth TD] ,
TBA [auth mF] ,
TC [auth UE] ,
TD [auth UF] ,
TE [auth UG] ,
TF [auth UH] ,
TGA [auth bO] ,
TH [auth UJ] ,
TI [auth UK] ,
TO [auth S1] ,
TT [auth S4] ,
TX [auth I7] ,
TZ [auth V9] ,
U [auth UA] ,
UCA [auth fH] ,
UDA [auth aK] ,
UFA [auth dM] ,
UG [auth VI] ,
UK [auth WM] ,
UM [auth GP] ,
UN [auth HQ] ,
UU [auth G5] ,
UY [auth t8] ,
VAA [auth bE] ,
VB [auth VD] ,
VBA [auth oF] ,
VC [auth WE] ,
VD [auth WF] ,
VE [auth WG] ,
VF [auth WH] ,
VGA [auth dO] ,
VH [auth WJ] ,
VI [auth WK] ,
VO [auth U1] ,
VP [auth b1] ,
VT [auth U4] ,
VX [auth K7] ,
VZ [auth X9] ,
W [auth WA] ,
WCA [auth hH] ,
WDA [auth cK] ,
WFA [auth fM] ,
WG [auth XI] ,
WK [auth YM] ,
WM [auth IP] ,
WN [auth JQ] ,
WU [auth I5] ,
WY [auth v8] ,
XAA [auth dE] ,
XB [auth XD] ,
XBA [auth qF] ,
XD [auth YF] ,
XGA [auth fO] ,
XH [auth YJ] ,
XI [auth YK] ,
XP [auth d1] ,
XT [auth W4] ,
XX [auth M7] ,
YC [auth ZE] ,
YCA [auth jH] ,
YDA [auth eK] ,
YE [auth ZG] ,
YF [auth ZH] ,
YFA [auth hM] ,
YM [auth KP] ,
YN [auth LQ] ,
YU [auth K5] ,
YY [auth x8] ,
ZAA [auth fE] ,
ZBA [auth sF] ,
ZC [auth AF] ,
ZF [auth AI] ,
ZGA [auth hO] ,
ZH [auth AK] ,
ZX [auth O7] ,
ZY [auth A9] Less164 Porphyridium purpureum Mutation(s) : 0 Gene Names:  peA , cpeA Membrane Entity:  Yes  UniProt Find proteins for 
(Porphyridium purpureum) Go to UniProtKB:  
P11392 Entity Groups
  Sequence Clusters 30% Identity 50% Identity 70% Identity 90% Identity 95% Identity 100% Identity UniProt Group P11392 Sequence Annotations
Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Entity ID: 2 Molecule Chains Sequence Length Organism Details Image B-phycoerythrin beta chain AA [auth BB] ,
AAA [auth bB] ,
ABA [auth gE] ,
ACA [auth tF] ,
AD [auth BF] ,
AG [auth BI] ,
AI [auth BK] ,
AY [auth P7] ,
AZ [auth B9] ,
B [auth BA] ,
BA [auth CB] ,
BDA [auth mH] ,
BEA [auth hK] ,
BGA [auth kM] ,
BK [auth DM] ,
BN [auth NP] ,
BO [auth OQ] ,
BU [auth i4] ,
CA [auth DB] ,
CAA [auth dB] ,
CB [auth CD] ,
CBA [auth iE] ,
CCA [auth vF] ,
CD [auth DF] ,
CDA [auth aH] ,
CG [auth DI] ,
CH [auth DJ] ,
CI [auth DK] ,
CV [auth O5] ,
CY [auth R7] ,
CZ [auth D9] ,
D [auth DA] ,
DAA [auth eB] ,
DEA [auth jK] ,
DGA [auth mM] ,
DK [auth FM] ,
DM [auth PO] ,
DN [auth PP] ,
DO [auth QQ] ,
DU [auth k4] ,
EA [auth FB] ,
EAA [auth gB] ,
EB [auth ED] ,
EBA [auth kE] ,
ED [auth FF] ,
EDA [auth cH] ,
EG [auth FI] ,
EH [auth FJ] ,
EI [auth FK] ,
EV [auth Q5] ,
EY [auth T7] ,
EZ [auth F9] ,
F [auth FA] ,
FA [auth GB] ,
FEA [auth lK] ,
FK [auth HM] ,
FM [auth RO] ,
FN [auth RP] ,
FO [auth SQ] ,
FU [auth m4] ,
GA [auth HB] ,
GB [auth GD] ,
GBA [auth mE] ,
GD [auth HF] ,
GDA [auth eH] ,
GG [auth HI] ,
GH [auth HJ] ,
GI [auth HK] ,
GU [auth a4] ,
GV [auth S5] ,
GY [auth V7] ,
GZ [auth H9] ,
H [auth HA] ,
HA [auth IB] ,
HAA [auth yC] ,
HCA [auth aG] ,
HEA [auth nK] ,
HK [auth JM] ,
HM [auth TO] ,
HN [auth TP] ,
HO [auth UQ] ,
HP [auth V1] ,
IB [auth ID] ,
IBA [auth bF] ,
ID [auth JF] ,
IDA [auth cJ] ,
IG [auth JI] ,
IH [auth JJ] ,
II [auth JK] ,
IU [auth c4] ,
IV [auth U5] ,
IY [auth X7] ,
IZ [auth J9] ,
J [auth JA] ,
JAA [auth 1C] ,
JCA [auth cG] ,
JEA [auth pK] ,
JK [auth LM] ,
JM [auth VO] ,
JN [auth VP] ,
JO [auth WQ] ,
KA [auth LB] ,
KB [auth KD] ,
KBA [auth dF] ,
KD [auth LF] ,
KDA [auth eJ] ,
KG [auth LI] ,
KH [auth LJ] ,
KI [auth LK] ,
KP [auth Y1] ,
KU [auth e4] ,
KV [auth W5] ,
KZ [auth L9] ,
L [auth LA] ,
LA [auth MB] ,
LAA [auth qC] ,
LCA [auth eG] ,
LEA [auth rK] ,
LK [auth NM] ,
LN [auth XP] ,
LO [auth YQ] ,
MA [auth NB] ,
MB [auth MD] ,
MBA [auth fF] ,
MD [auth NF] ,
MDA [auth gJ] ,
MH [auth NJ] ,
MI [auth NK] ,
MM [auth YO] ,
MU [auth g4] ,
MV [auth Y5] ,
MX [auth B7] ,
MZ [auth O9] ,
N [auth NA] ,
NA [auth OB] ,
NAA [auth sC] ,
NCA [auth gG] ,
NEA [auth tK] ,
NG [auth OI] ,
NGA [auth iO] ,
NK [auth PM] ,
NP [auth g1] ,
NY [auth y8] ,
OA [auth PB] ,
OB [auth OD] ,
OBA [auth hF] ,
OC [auth PE] ,
OD [auth PF] ,
ODA [auth iJ] ,
OE [auth PG] ,
OF [auth PH] ,
OH [auth PJ] ,
OI [auth PK] ,
OX [auth D7] ,
OZ [auth Q9] ,
P [auth PA] ,
PA [auth QB] ,
PAA [auth uC] ,
PCA [auth iG] ,
PEA [auth vK] ,
PG [auth QI] ,
PGA [auth kO] ,
PK [auth RM] ,
PM [auth BP] ,
PN [auth CQ] ,
PP [auth i1] ,
PU [auth B5] ,
PY [auth 18] ,
QA [auth RB] ,
QB [auth QD] ,
QBA [auth jF] ,
QC [auth RE] ,
QD [auth RF] ,
QDA [auth kJ] ,
QE [auth RG] ,
QF [auth RH] ,
QH [auth RJ] ,
QI [auth RK] ,
QO [auth P1] ,
QT [auth P4] ,
QX [auth F7] ,
QZ [auth S9] ,
R [auth RA] ,
RA [auth SB] ,
RAA [auth wC] ,
RCA [auth kG] ,
RG [auth SI] ,
RGA [auth mO] ,
RK [auth TM] ,
RM [auth DP] ,
RN [auth EQ] ,
RP [auth k1] ,
RU [auth D5] ,
RY [auth q8] ,
SB [auth SD] ,
SBA [auth lF] ,
SC [auth TE] ,
SD [auth TF] ,
SDA [auth mJ] ,
SE [auth TG] ,
SF [auth TH] ,
SGA [auth aO] ,
SH [auth TJ] ,
SI [auth TK] ,
SO [auth R1] ,
ST [auth R4] ,
SX [auth H7] ,
SZ [auth U9] ,
T [auth TA] ,
TCA [auth mG] ,
TFA [auth cM] ,
TG [auth UI] ,
TK [auth VM] ,
TM [auth FP] ,
TN [auth GQ] ,
TP [auth m1] ,
TU [auth F5] ,
TY [auth s8] ,
UA [auth VB] ,
UAA [auth aE] ,
UB [auth UD] ,
UBA [auth nF] ,
UC [auth VE] ,
UD [auth VF] ,
UE [auth VG] ,
UF [auth VH] ,
UGA [auth cO] ,
UH [auth VJ] ,
UI [auth VK] ,
UO [auth T1] ,
UP [auth a1] ,
UT [auth T4] ,
UX [auth J7] ,
UZ [auth W9] ,
V [auth VA] ,
VCA [auth gH] ,
VDA [auth bK] ,
VFA [auth eM] ,
VG [auth WI] ,
VK [auth XM] ,
VM [auth HP] ,
VN [auth IQ] ,
VU [auth H5] ,
VY [auth u8] ,
WA [auth XB] ,
WAA [auth cE] ,
WB [auth WD] ,
WBA [auth pF] ,
WD [auth XF] ,
WGA [auth eO] ,
WH [auth XJ] ,
WI [auth XK] ,
WP [auth c1] ,
WT [auth V4] ,
WX [auth L7] ,
WZ [auth Y9] ,
X [auth XA] ,
XA [auth YB] ,
XC [auth YE] ,
XCA [auth iH] ,
XDA [auth dK] ,
XE [auth YG] ,
XF [auth YH] ,
XFA [auth gM] ,
XG [auth YI] ,
XK [auth ZM] ,
XM [auth JP] ,
XN [auth KQ] ,
XU [auth J5] ,
XY [auth w8] ,
YA [auth ZB] ,
YAA [auth eE] ,
YB [auth YD] ,
YBA [auth rF] ,
YD [auth ZF] ,
YGA [auth gO] ,
YH [auth ZJ] ,
YI [auth ZK] ,
YP [auth e1] ,
YX [auth N7] ,
ZCA [auth kH] ,
ZDA [auth fK] ,
ZFA [auth iM] ,
ZM [auth LP] ,
ZN [auth MQ] ,
ZT [auth Y4] ,
ZU [auth L5] ,
ZZ [auth aB] Less177 Porphyridium purpureum Mutation(s) : 0 Gene Names:  cpeB Membrane Entity:  Yes  UniProt Find proteins for 
(Porphyridium purpureum) Go to UniProtKB:  
P11393 Entity Groups
  Sequence Clusters 30% Identity 50% Identity 70% Identity 90% Identity 95% Identity 100% Identity UniProt Group P11393 Sequence Annotations
Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Entity ID: 9 Molecule Chains Sequence Length Organism Details Image C-phycocyanin alpha subunit AM [auth MO] ,
AP [auth E1] ,
BC [auth CE] ,
BE [auth CG] ,
BF [auth CH] ,
CP [auth G1] ,
CT [auth G4] ,
DC [auth EE] ,
DE [auth EG] ,
DF [auth EH] ,
EP [auth I1] ,
ET [auth I4] ,
FC [auth GE] ,
FE [auth GG] ,
FF [auth GH] ,
GP [auth K1] ,
GT [auth K4] ,
HC [auth IE] ,
HE [auth IG] ,
HF [auth IH] ,
IT [auth M4] ,
JC [auth KE] ,
JE [auth KG] ,
JF [auth KH] ,
LC [auth ME] ,
LE [auth MG] ,
LF [auth MH] ,
NO [auth M1] ,
NT [auth C4] ,
PT [auth E4] ,
QL [auth CO] ,
SL [auth EO] ,
UL [auth GO] ,
WL [auth IO] ,
YL [auth KO] ,
YO [auth C1] Less162 Porphyridium purpureum Mutation(s) : 0 Gene Names:  cpcA Membrane Entity:  Yes  UniProt Find proteins for 
(Porphyridium purpureum) Go to UniProtKB:  
P37207 Entity Groups
  Sequence Clusters 30% Identity 50% Identity 70% Identity 90% Identity 95% Identity 100% Identity UniProt Group P37207 Sequence Annotations
Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Entity ID: 10 Molecule Chains Sequence Length Organism Details Image C-phycocyanin beta subunit BM [auth NO] ,
BP [auth F1] ,
BT [auth F4] ,
CC [auth DE] ,
CE [auth DG] ,
CF [auth DH] ,
DP [auth H1] ,
DT [auth H4] ,
EC [auth FE] ,
EE [auth FG] ,
EF [auth FH] ,
FP [auth J1] ,
FT [auth J4] ,
GC [auth HE] ,
GE [auth HG] ,
GF [auth HH] ,
HT [auth L4] ,
IC [auth JE] ,
IE [auth JG] ,
IF [auth JH] ,
JT [auth N4] ,
KC [auth LE] ,
KE [auth LG] ,
KF [auth LH] ,
MC [auth NE] ,
ME [auth NG] ,
MF [auth NH] ,
MO [auth L1] ,
OO [auth N1] ,
OT [auth D4] ,
RL [auth DO] ,
TL [auth FO] ,
VL [auth HO] ,
XL [auth JO] ,
ZL [auth LO] ,
ZO [auth D1] Less172 Porphyridium purpureum Mutation(s) : 0 Gene Names:  cpcB Membrane Entity:  Yes  UniProt Find proteins for 
(Porphyridium purpureum) Go to UniProtKB:  
P37208 Entity Groups
  Sequence Clusters 30% Identity 50% Identity 70% Identity 90% Identity 95% Identity 100% Identity UniProt Group P37208 Sequence Annotations
Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure Find similar proteins by:
(by identity cutoff) |
3D Structure