Visit the Biomolecular Discovery Dome at Biophysical Society

See proteins and molecular machines like you never have before in the Biomolecular Discovery Dome, an audio-visual immersion experience that takes you inside the world of cells and viruses.
The Biomolecular Discovery Dome will be located near the registration area at the Biophysical Society meeting on Sunday, February 26 and Monday, February 27 in San Diego, CA.
Short films scheduled to appear will highlight:
- Viruses, narration and gallery visualization of viruses (National Center for Macromolecular Imaging (NCMI))
- Trypanosome Brucei and African sleeping sickness (NCMI)
- Ribosomes (NCMI)
- Crystallographic Point Groups (a musical tribute to the 100th anniversary of X-ray diffraction, NCMI)
- Exploring the Cell (Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica-Consiglio Nazionaledell Ricerche, Italy)
- Drug Discovery & HIV (University of California, San Francisco)
This Biomolecular Discovery Dome is sponsored by the Biophysical Society's Public Affairs Committee.