

UniProtKB accession:  T0D3N5
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Go to UniProtKB:  T0D3N5
UniProtKB description:  Precursor of a cytotoxin that targets the vascular endothelium, inducing an anti-inflammatory effect and resulting in lethal toxic shock syndrome (PubMed:19527792, PubMed:21199912). TcsL constitutes the main toxin that mediates the pathology of P.sordellii infection, an anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium found in soil and in the gastrointestinal and vaginal tracts of animals and humans; although the majority of carriers are asymptomatic, pathogenic P.sordellii infections arise rapidly and are highly lethal (By similarity). This form constitutes the precursor of the toxin: it enters into host cells and mediates autoprocessing to release the active toxin (Glucosyltransferase TcsL) into the host cytosol (By similarity). Targets vascular endothelium by binding to the semaphorin proteins SEMA6A and SEMA6B, and enters host cells via clathrin-mediated endocytosis (By similarity). Once entered into host cells, acidification in the endosome promotes the membrane insertion of the translocation region and formation of a pore, leading to translocation of the GT44 and peptidase C80 domains across the endosomal membrane (By similarity) (PubMed:11500421). This activates the peptidase C80 domain and autocatalytic processing, releasing the N-terminal part (Glucosyltransferase TcsL), which constitutes the active part of the toxin, in the cytosol (By similarity).
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