
Nuclear RNA export factor 2

UniProtKB accession:  Q9VV73
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UniProtKB description:  May be involved in the export of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm (PubMed:11780633). In the ovaries, forms a complex with nxf2, piwi and Nxt1 which acts as effectors of cotranscriptional transposon silencing (PubMed:31219034, PubMed:31368590, PubMed:31384064, PubMed:31570835). On recruitment to a target transcript, interacts with single stranded RNA, thereby anchoring the complex via the nascent target transcript to chromatin and allowing Panx to recruit silencing effectors to establishing repressive heterochromatin at transposon loci (PubMed:31368590, PubMed:31384064, PubMed:31570835). Does not affect piRNA biogenesis (PubMed:31384064). The interaction with Panx stabilizes the nuclear protein complex (PubMed:31384064). Does not bind nucleoporins, but regulates sbr/Nxf1 binding to nucleoporins and, indirectly, transposon exports (PubMed:31384064, PubMed:31570835).
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