
Calcium uptake protein 1, mitochondrial

UniProtKB accession:  Q9BPX6
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UniProtKB description:  Calcium sensor of the mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU) channel, which senses calcium level via its EF-hand domains (PubMed:20693986, PubMed:23101630, PubMed:23747253, PubMed:24313810, PubMed:24332854, PubMed:24503055, PubMed:24560927, PubMed:26341627, PubMed:26903221, PubMed:27099988, PubMed:28615291, PubMed:30454562, PubMed:30638448, PubMed:32494073, PubMed:32667285, PubMed:32762847, PubMed:32790952, PubMed:34463251, PubMed:36206740, PubMed:37036971, PubMed:37126688). MICU1 and MICU2 (or MICU3) form a disulfide-linked heterodimer that stimulates and inhibits MCU activity, depending on the concentration of calcium (PubMed:24560927, PubMed:26903221, PubMed:28615291, PubMed:32148862, PubMed:32494073, PubMed:32667285, PubMed:32762847, PubMed:32790952, PubMed:36206740, PubMed:37036971, PubMed:37126688). At low calcium levels, MICU1 occludes the pore of the MCU channel, preventing mitochondrial calcium uptake (PubMed:32494073, PubMed:32667285, PubMed:32762847, PubMed:37036971, PubMed:37126688). At higher calcium levels, calcium-binding to MICU1 and MICU2 (or MICU3) induces a conformational change that weakens MCU-MICU1 interactions and moves the MICU1-MICU2 heterodimer away from the pore, allowing calcium permeation through the MCU channel (PubMed:32494073, PubMed:32667285, PubMed:32762847). Also required to protect against manganese toxicity by preventing manganese uptake by MCU: mechanistically, manganese-binding to its EF-hand domains does not induce any conformational change, maintaining MCU pore occlusion (PubMed:30082385, PubMed:30403999). Also acts as a barrier for inhibitors of the MCU channel, such as ruthenium red or its derivative Ru360 (PubMed:37244260). Acts as a regulator of mitochondrial cristae structure independently of its ability to regulate the mitochondrial calcium uniporter channel (PubMed:31427612, PubMed:37098122). Regulates glucose-dependent insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells by regulating mitochondrial calcium uptake (PubMed:22904319). Induces T-helper 1-mediated autoreactivity, which is accompanied by the release of IFNG (PubMed:16002733).
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