
Carboxysome assembly protein CsoS2

UniProtKB accession:  Q7V2C8
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q7V2C8
UniProtKB description:  Required for alpha-carboxysome (Cb) assembly, mediates interaction between RuBisCO and the Cb shell. The protein is probably highly flexible (Probable). The C-terminal repeats act as the encapsulation signal to target proteins to the Cb; they are necessary and sufficient to target both CsoS2 and foreign proteins to the Cb. The N-terminal repeats of this protein bind simultaneously to both subunits of RuBisCO. Probably also interacts with the major shell proteins (CsoS1); that interaction would increase the local concentration of CsoS2 so that it can condense RuBisCO and full carboxysomes can be formed (By similarity). There are estimated to be 163 CsoS2 proteins per carboxysome; unlike H.neapolitanus only 1 form is seen (PubMed:22155772).
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