
Archaeal flagellar ATPase motor FlaI

UniProtKB accession:  Q4J9L0
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q4J9L0
UniProtKB description:  Component of the archaellum (PubMed:22081969, PubMed:23416110, PubMed:24103130, PubMed:26508112). FlaX, FlaH and FlaI form the core cytoplasmic motor complex of the crenarchaeal archaellum (PubMed:24103130, PubMed:26508112). FlaI shows ATPase activity, which provides the energy for both archaellum assembly and rotation (PubMed:21506936, PubMed:23416110). Hydrolyzes ATP with the highest rate, but is also able to hydrolyze GTP, CTP and UTP (PubMed:21506936). Cannot hydrolyze ADP into AMP (PubMed:21506936).
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