
Melanoma antigen preferentially expressed in tumors

UniProtKB accession:  P78395
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Go to UniProtKB:  P78395
UniProtKB description:  Substrate-recognition component of a Cul2-RING (CRL2) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex, which mediates ubiquitination of target proteins, leading to their degradation (PubMed:21822215, PubMed:26138980). The CRL2(PRAME) complex mediates ubiquitination and degradation of truncated MSRB1/SEPX1 selenoproteins produced by failed UGA/Sec decoding (PubMed:26138980). In the nucleus, the CRL2(PRAME) complex is recruited to epigenetically and transcriptionally active promoter regions bound by nuclear transcription factor Y (NFY) and probably plays a role in chromstin regulation (PubMed:21822215). Functions as a transcriptional repressor, inhibiting the signaling of retinoic acid through the retinoic acid receptors RARA, RARB and RARG: prevents retinoic acid-induced cell proliferation arrest, differentiation and apoptosis (PubMed:16179254).
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