
Ammonium transporter AmtB

UniProtKB accession:  P69681
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Go to UniProtKB:  P69681
UniProtKB description:  Involved in the uptake of ammonium/ammonia (NH(4)(+)/NH(3)) (PubMed:14668330, PubMed:15361618, PubMed:15563598, PubMed:15876187, PubMed:16910683, PubMed:30211659, PubMed:32662768). Transport is electrogenic (PubMed:30211659, PubMed:32662768). Following sequestration of NH(4)(+) at the periplasmic face, NH(4)(+) is deprotonated and neutral NH(3) is transported into the cytoplasm (PubMed:15876187, PubMed:16910683, PubMed:18362341, PubMed:19278252, PubMed:32662768). Neutral NH(3) and charged H(+) are carried separately across the membrane on a unique two-lane pathway, before recombining to NH(4)(+) inside the cell (PubMed:32662768). In vitro can also transport the larger analogs methylamine and methylammonium (PubMed:11847102, PubMed:12023896, PubMed:14668330, PubMed:15876187, PubMed:17998534, PubMed:18362341). Also acts as a sensor of the extracellular ammonium concentration (PubMed:14668330).
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