
CD-NTase-associated protein 4

UniProtKB accession:  P0DUD5
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Go to UniProtKB:  P0DUD5
UniProtKB description:  Effector DNase of a CBASS antivirus system (PubMed:32544385, PubMed:36796558). CBASS (cyclic oligonucleotide-based antiphage signaling system) provides immunity against bacteriophages (PubMed:32544385, PubMed:36755092, PubMed:36796558). The CD-NTase protein (CdnD) synthesizes cyclic nucleotides in response to infection; these serve as specific second messenger signals. The signals activate a diverse range of effectors, leading to bacterial cell death and thus abortive phage infection (PubMed:32544385, PubMed:36755092, PubMed:36796558). A type II-C(AAG) CBASS system (PubMed:32839535, PubMed:36755092).
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