
Caveolae-associated protein 1

UniProtKB accession:  O54724
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UniProtKB description:  Plays an important role in caveolae formation and organization. Essential for the formation of caveolae in all tissues (PubMed:18056712, PubMed:18191225, PubMed:18840361, PubMed:30188967). Core component of the CAVIN complex which is essential for recruitment of the complex to the caveolae in presence of calveolin-1 (CAV1) (PubMed:19546242). Essential for normal oligomerization of CAV1 (PubMed:23652019). Promotes ribosomal transcriptional activity in response to metabolic challenges in the adipocytes and plays an important role in the formation of the ribosomal transcriptional loop (PubMed:27528195). Dissociates transcription complexes paused by DNA-bound TTF1, thereby releasing both RNA polymerase I and pre-RNA from the template (PubMed:10589839, PubMed:11139612, PubMed:9582279). The caveolae biogenesis pathway is required for the secretion of proteins such as GASK1A (PubMed:30188967).
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