
Ribonuclease J

UniProtKB accession:  B9XZG7
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Go to UniProtKB:  B9XZG7
UniProtKB description:  An RNase that has 5'-3' exoribonuclease and endoribonuclease activity (PubMed:23093592, PubMed:38057323). Degrades 5'-monophosphorylated ssRNA and dsRNA, considerably more active on ssRNA (PubMed:23093592). Association with RhpA significantly increases the dsRNase activity (PubMed:23093592). Degrades RNA substrate with hairpin structures at both ends with low activity, but presence of RhpA significantly increases the activity on this substrate (PubMed:38057323). Stimulates ATPase activity of RNA helicase RhpA (PubMed:23093592). Involved in stabilization of mRNA but apparently not rRNA (PubMed:23093592).
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