

UniProtKB accession:  A0A0A0V633
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Go to UniProtKB:  A0A0A0V633
UniProtKB description:  Probable insect neurotoxin with ion channel impairing activity (Probable). Does not show activity on 45 human receptors from 9 families (5-hydroxytryptamine, adrenergic, dopamine, muscarinic, histamine, neurotransmitter, opioid, sigma, and gaba(A) receptors) (PubMed:27227898). In vivo, does not cause paralytic or lethal activity when injected into sheep blowflies or crickets (PubMed:27227898). It is noteworthy that both sheep blowflies and crickets are evolutionarily distant from prey species (PubMed:27227898).
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