
Solution structure of a diiron protein model: Due Ferri(II) turn mutant

NMR Experiment
ExperimentTypeSample ContentsSolventIonic StrengthpHPressureTemperature (K)Spectrometer
12D TOCSY0.5mM protein concentration; 50mM phosphate buffer; 90% H2O, 10% D2O90% H2O/10% D2O50mm phosphate buffer6.1Ambient298
2DQF-COSY0.5mM protein concentration; 50mM phosphate buffer; 90% H2O, 10% D2O90% H2O/10% D2O50mm phosphate buffer6.1Ambient298
32D NOESY0.5mM protein concentration; 50mM phosphate buffer; 90% H2O, 10% D2O90% H2O/10% D2O50mm phosphate buffer6.1Ambient298
NMR Spectrometer Information
SpectrometerManufacturerModelField Strength
NMR Refinement
Torsion Angle Dynamics, Simulated Annealing, Energy Restrained MinimizationNMRPipe
NMR Ensemble Information
Conformer Selection Criteriastructures with the least restraint violations, structures with the lowest energy
Conformers Calculated Total Number40
Conformers Submitted Total Number20
Representative Model1 (lowest energy)
Additional NMR Experimental Information
DetailsThis structure was determined using standard 2D homonuclear technique
Computation: NMR Software
#ClassificationVersionSoftware NameAuthor
1processingNMRPipe1.7Delaglio et al.
2structure solutionDYANA1.5Guentert et al.
3refinementAmber7.0Case et al.