Emiliania huxleyi virus 201 (EhV-201) asymmetrical unit assembled from EhV-201 major capsid protein AlphaFold2 predicted structure and Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus 1 (PBCV-1) penton protein fitted into the EhV-201 virion composite map.

  • Deposited: 2023-06-16 Released: 2023-07-19 
  • Deposition Author(s): Homola, M., Buttner, C.R., Fuzik, T., Novacek, J., Chaillet, M., Forster, F., Plevka, P.
  • Entry 8PFN was removed from the distribution of released PDB entries (status Obsolete) on 2023-12-20.
  • It has been replaced (superseded) by 8RBS.
  • Details: based on the reviewer suggestions, we identified penton protein in the EhV-201 genome. Therefore, we had to change the pdb/cif model file and also masks used for generation of the primary map. As recommended by your colleague, I created a new deposition with updated maps and model file.