
Crystal structure of BmrA-E504A in an outward-facing conformation

Experimental Data Snapshot

  • Resolution: 3.95 Å
  • R-Value Free: 0.321 
  • R-Value Work: 0.260 
  • R-Value Observed: 0.263 

Starting Models: experimental
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wwPDB Validation   3D Report Full Report

Ligand Structure Quality Assessment 

This is version 1.3 of the entry. See complete history


Substrate-bound and substrate-free outward-facing structures of a multidrug ABC exporter.

Chaptal, V.Zampieri, V.Wiseman, B.Orelle, C.Martin, J.Nguyen, K.A.Gobet, A.Di Cesare, M.Magnard, S.Javed, W.Eid, J.Kilburg, A.Peuchmaur, M.Marcoux, J.Monticelli, L.Hogbom, M.Schoehn, G.Jault, J.M.Boumendjel, A.Falson, P.

(2022) Sci Adv 8: eabg9215-eabg9215

  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abg9215
  • Primary Citation of Related Structures:  
    6R72, 6R81, 7BG4, 7OW8

  • PubMed Abstract: 

    Multidrug ABC transporters translocate drugs across membranes by a mechanism for which the molecular features of drug release are so far unknown. Here, we resolved three ATP-Mg 2+ -bound outward-facing conformations of the Bacillus subtilis (homodimeric) BmrA by x-ray crystallography and single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (EM) in detergent solution, one of them with rhodamine 6G (R6G), a substrate exported by BmrA when overexpressed in B. subtilis . Two R6G molecules bind to the drug-binding cavity at the level of the outer leaflet, between transmembrane (TM) helices 1-2 of one monomer and TM5'-6' of the other. They induce a rearrangement of TM1-2, highlighting a local flexibility that we confirmed by hydrogen/deuterium exchange and molecular dynamics simulations. In the absence of R6G, simulations show a fast postrelease occlusion of the cavity driven by hydrophobicity, while when present, R6G can move within the cavity, maintaining it open.

  • Organizational Affiliation

    Drug Resistance and Membrane Proteins Group, Molecular Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry Laboratory, CNRS UMR 5086, University of Lyon, IBCP, 7, passage du Vercors, 69367 Lyon, France.

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Entity ID: 1
MoleculeChains Sequence LengthOrganismDetailsImage
Multidrug exporter ATP-binding cassette
A, B, C, D
599Bacillus subtilisMutation(s): 1 
Gene Names: B4417_3307
EC: 7.6.2
Membrane Entity: Yes 
Find proteins for O06967 (Bacillus subtilis (strain 168))
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Entity Groups  
Sequence Clusters30% Identity50% Identity70% Identity90% Identity95% Identity100% Identity
UniProt GroupO06967
Sequence Annotations
  • Reference Sequence
Small Molecules
Ligands 2 Unique
IDChains Name / Formula / InChI Key2D Diagram3D Interactions
Query on ATP

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E [auth A],
G [auth B],
I [auth C],
K [auth D]
C10 H16 N5 O13 P3
Query on MG

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F [auth A],
H [auth B],
J [auth C],
L [auth D]
Experimental Data & Validation

Experimental Data

  • Resolution: 3.95 Å
  • R-Value Free: 0.321 
  • R-Value Work: 0.260 
  • R-Value Observed: 0.263 
  • Space Group: P 1 21 1
Unit Cell:
Length ( Å )Angle ( ˚ )
a = 117.805α = 90
b = 110.754β = 93.23
c = 155.615γ = 90
Software Package:
Software NamePurpose
XDSdata reduction
STARANISOdata scaling

Structure Validation

View Full Validation Report

Ligand Structure Quality Assessment 

Entry History & Funding Information

Deposition Data

Funding OrganizationLocationGrant Number
French National Research AgencyFranceANR-18-CE11-0002-01
French National Research AgencyFranceANR-CE11-0015-03
Ligue Regionale Contre le CancerFrance189393

Revision History  (Full details and data files)

  • Version 1.0: 2020-05-06
    Type: Initial release
  • Version 1.1: 2022-01-19
    Changes: Database references, Derived calculations
  • Version 1.2: 2022-02-02
    Changes: Database references
  • Version 1.3: 2024-01-24
    Changes: Data collection, Refinement description