

Experimental Data Snapshot

  • Resolution: 1.90 Å
  • R-Value Free: 
    0.192 (Depositor), 0.180 (DCC) 
  • R-Value Work: 
    0.163 (Depositor), 0.150 (DCC) 

wwPDB Validation   3D Report Full Report

This is version 1.3 of the entry. See complete history


Crystal structure of a D-aminopeptidase from Ochrobactrum anthropi, a new member of the 'penicillin-recognizing enzyme' family.

Bompard-Gilles, C.Remaut, H.Villeret, V.Prange, T.Fanuel, L.Delmarcelle, M.Joris, B.Frere, J.Van Beeumen, J.

(2000) Structure 8: 971-980

  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/s0969-2126(00)00188-x
  • Primary Citation of Related Structures:  

  • PubMed Abstract: 

    beta-Lactam compounds are the most widely used antibiotics. They inactivate bacterial DD-transpeptidases, also called penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), involved in cell-wall biosynthesis. The most common bacterial resistance mechanism against beta-lactam compounds is the synthesis of beta-lactamases that hydrolyse beta-lactam rings. These enzymes are believed to have evolved from cell-wall DD-peptidases. Understanding the biochemical and mechanistic features of the beta-lactam targets is crucial because of the increasing number of resistant bacteria. DAP is a D-aminopeptidase produced by Ochrobactrum anthropi. It is inhibited by various beta-lactam compounds and shares approximately 25% sequence identity with the R61 DD-carboxypeptidase and the class C beta-lactamases. The crystal structure of DAP has been determined to 1.9 A resolution using the multiple isomorphous replacement (MIR) method. The enzyme folds into three domains, A, B and C. Domain A, which contains conserved catalytic residues, has the classical fold of serine beta-lactamases, whereas domains B and C are both antiparallel eight-stranded beta barrels. A loop of domain C protrudes into the substrate-binding site of the enzyme. Comparison of the biochemical properties and the structure of DAP with PBPs and serine beta-lactamases shows that although the catalytic site of the enzyme is very similar to that of beta-lactamases, its substrate and inhibitor specificity rests on residues of domain C. DAP is a new member of the family of penicillin-recognizing proteins (PRPs) and, at the present time, its enzymatic specificity is clearly unique.

  • Organizational Affiliation

    Laboratorium voor Eiwitbiochemie en Eiwitengineering, Rijksuniversiteit-Gent, K.L. Ledeganckstraat, 35, B-9000, Gent, Belgium.

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Entity ID: 1
MoleculeChains Sequence LengthOrganismDetailsImage
D-AMINOPEPTIDASE520Brucella anthropiMutation(s): 0 
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Entity Groups  
Sequence Clusters30% Identity50% Identity70% Identity90% Identity95% Identity100% Identity
UniProt GroupQ9ZBA9
Sequence Annotations
  • Reference Sequence
Experimental Data & Validation

Experimental Data

  • Resolution: 1.90 Å
  • R-Value Free:  0.192 (Depositor), 0.180 (DCC) 
  • R-Value Work:  0.163 (Depositor), 0.150 (DCC) 
Space Group: P 41 21 2
Unit Cell:
Length ( Å )Angle ( ˚ )
a = 82.86α = 90
b = 82.86β = 90
c = 204.65γ = 90
Software Package:
Software NamePurpose
DENZOdata reduction
SCALEPACKdata scaling

Structure Validation

View Full Validation Report

Entry History 

Deposition Data

Revision History  (Full details and data files)

  • Version 1.0: 2000-10-04
    Type: Initial release
  • Version 1.1: 2008-04-27
    Changes: Version format compliance
  • Version 1.2: 2011-07-13
    Changes: Version format compliance
  • Version 1.3: 2024-02-07
    Changes: Data collection, Database references