

Chemical Component Summary

FormulaC20 H15 Cl F3 N5
Molecular Weight417.815
Isomeric SMILESc1cc(ncc1Cc2c[nH]c3c2cc(cn3)Cl)NCc4ccc(nc4)C(F)(F)F

Chemical Details

Formal Charge0
Atom Count44
Chiral Atom Count0
Bond Count47
Aromatic Bond Count22

Drug Info: DrugBank

DrugBank IDDB12978 
  • approved
  • investigational
DescriptionPexidartinib is a selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor that works by inhibiting the colony-stimulating factor (CSF1)/CSF1 receptor pathway. Pexidartinib was originally developed by Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. and it was approved by the FDA in August 2019 as the first systemic therapy for adult patients with symptomatic tenosynovial giant cell tumor.[L7901] Tenosynovial giant cell tumor is a rare form of non-malignant tumor that causes the synovium and tendon sheaths to thicken and overgrow, leading to damage in surrounding joint tissue.[A182240,L7901] Debilitating symptoms often follow with tenosynovial giant cell tumors, along with a risk of significant functional limitations and a reduced quality of life in patients.[L7901] While surgical resection is a current standard of care for tenosynovial giant cell tumor, there are tumor types where surgeries are deemed clinically ineffective with a high risk of lifetime recurrence.[L7895] Pexidartinib works by blocking the immune responses that are activated in tenosynovial giant cell tumors. In clinical trials, pexidartinib was shown to promote improvements in patient symptoms and functional outcomes in TGCT.[A182243] Pexidartinib is available in oral formulations and it is commonly marketed as Turalio.[L7901]
  • Pexidartinib
  • Pexidartinib hydrochloride
Brand NamesTuralio
IndicationPexidartinib is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with symptomatic tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT) associated with severe morbidity or functional limitations and not amenable to improvement with surgery.[L7883]
  • Amines
  • Antineoplastic Agents
  • Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Agents
  • Cancer immunotherapy
  • Cytochrome P-450 CYP2B6 Inducers
CAS number1029044-16-3

Drug Targets

NameTarget SequencePharmacological ActionActions
Macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptorMGPGVLLLLLVATAWHGQGIPVIEPSVPELVVKPGATVTLRCVGNGSVEW...unknowninhibitor
Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor KitMRGARGAWDFLCVLLLLLRVQTGSSQPSVSPGEPSPPSIHPGKSDLIVRV...unknowninhibitor
Receptor-type tyrosine-protein kinase FLT3MPALARDGGQLPLLVVFSAMIFGTITNQDLPVIKCVLINHKNNDSSVGKS...unknowninhibitor
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor betaMRLPGAMPALALKGELLLLSLLLLLEPQISQGLVVTPPGPELVLNVSSTF...unknowninhibitor
Cytochrome P450 3A4MALIPDLAMETWLLLAVSLVLLYLYGTHSHGLFKKLGIPGPTPLPFLGNI...unknownsubstrate,inhibitor,inducer
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Drug Info/Drug Targets: DrugBank 3.0: a comprehensive resource for 'omics' research on drugs. Knox C, Law V, Jewison T, Liu P, Ly S, Frolkis A, Pon A, Banco K, Mak C, Neveu V, Djoumbou Y, Eisner R, Guo AC, Wishart DS. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan; 39 (Database issue):D1035-41. | PMID:21059682

Related Resource References

Resource NameReference
Pharos CHEMBL3813873
PubChem 25151352
ChEBI CHEBI:145373