
Cell cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 2

UniProtKB accession:  Q8N163
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Go to UniProtKB:  Q8N163
UniProtKB description:  Core component of the DBIRD complex, a multiprotein complex that acts at the interface between core mRNP particles and RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) and integrates transcript elongation with the regulation of alternative splicing: the DBIRD complex affects local transcript elongation rates and alternative splicing of a large set of exons embedded in (A + T)-rich DNA regions (PubMed:22446626). Inhibits SIRT1 deacetylase activity leading to increasing levels of p53/TP53 acetylation and p53-mediated apoptosis (PubMed:18235501, PubMed:18235502, PubMed:23352644). Inhibits SUV39H1 methyltransferase activity (PubMed:19218236). Mediates ligand-dependent transcriptional activation by nuclear hormone receptors (PubMed:19131338). Plays a critical role in maintaining genomic stability and cellular integrity following UV-induced genotoxic stress (PubMed:23398316). Regulates the circadian expression of the core clock components NR1D1 and BMAL1 (PubMed:23398316). Enhances the transcriptional repressor activity of NR1D1 through stabilization of NR1D1 protein levels by preventing its ubiquitination and subsequent degradation (PubMed:23398316). Represses the ligand-dependent transcriptional activation function of ESR2 (PubMed:20074560). Acts as a regulator of PCK1 expression and gluconeogenesis by a mechanism that involves, at least in part, both NR1D1 and SIRT1 (PubMed:24415752). Negatively regulates the deacetylase activity of HDAC3 and can alter its subcellular localization (PubMed:21030595). Positively regulates the beta-catenin pathway (canonical Wnt signaling pathway) and is required for MCC-mediated repression of the beta-catenin pathway (PubMed:24824780). Represses ligand-dependent transcriptional activation function of NR1H2 and NR1H3 and inhibits the interaction of SIRT1 with NR1H3 (PubMed:25661920). Plays an important role in tumor suppression through p53/TP53 regulation; stabilizes p53/TP53 by affecting its interaction with ubiquitin ligase MDM2 (PubMed:25732823). Represses the transcriptional activator activity of BRCA1 (PubMed:20160719). Inhibits SIRT1 in a CHEK2 and PSEM3-dependent manner and inhibits the activity of CHEK2 in vitro (PubMed:25361978).
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