
Chromatin-remodeling ATPase INO80

UniProtKB accession:  P53115
Grouped By:  Matching UniProtKB accession
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Go to UniProtKB:  P53115
UniProtKB description:  ATPase component of the INO80 complex which remodels chromatin by shifting nucleosomes and is involved in DNA repair (PubMed:10952318, PubMed:12887900). Its ability to induce transcription of some phosphate-responsive genes is modulated by inositol polyphosphates (PubMed:10361278, PubMed:10952318). The INO80 complex is involved in DNA repair by associating with 'Ser-129' phosphorylated H2A histones as a response to DNA damage (PubMed:15607974, PubMed:15607975).
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