
Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 7

UniProtKB accession:  P41226
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Go to UniProtKB:  P41226
UniProtKB description:  E1-activating enzyme that catalyzes the covalent conjugation of the ubiquitin-like protein product of ISG15 to additional interferon stimulated proteins (ISGs) as well as other cellular proteins such as P53 in a process termed protein ISGylation (PubMed:27545325). Plays an essential role in antiviral immunity together with ISG15 by restricting the replication of many viruses including rabies virus, influenza virus, sindbis virus, rotavirus or human cytomegalovirus (PubMed:16254333, PubMed:19073728, PubMed:29056542, PubMed:29743376, PubMed:37722521). For example, ISG15 modification of influenza A protein NS1 disrupts the association of the NS1 with importin-alpha leading to NS1 nuclear import inhibition (PubMed:20133869). ISGylation of human cytomegalovirs protein UL26 regulates its stability and inhibits its activities to suppress NF-kappa-B signaling (PubMed:27564865).
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