
fMet-Leu-Phe receptor

UniProtKB accession:  P21462
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Go to UniProtKB:  P21462
UniProtKB description:  High affinity receptor for N-formyl-methionyl peptides (fMLP), which are powerful neutrophil chemotactic factors (PubMed:10514456, PubMed:15153520, PubMed:2161213, PubMed:2176894). Binding of fMLP to the receptor stimulates intracellular calcium mobilization and superoxide anion release (PubMed:15153520, PubMed:15210802, PubMed:1712023, PubMed:2161213). This response is mediated via a G-protein that activates a phosphatidylinositol-calcium second messenger system (PubMed:10514456, PubMed:1712023). Receptor for TAFA4, mediates its effects on chemoattracting macrophages, promoting phagocytosis and increasing ROS release (PubMed:25109685). Receptor for cathepsin CTSG, leading to increased phagocyte chemotaxis (PubMed:15210802).
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