
Queuosine 5'-phosphate N-glycosylase/hydrolase

UniProtKB accession:  D1C7A6
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Go to UniProtKB:  D1C7A6
UniProtKB description:  Catalyzes the hydrolysis of queuosine 5'-phosphate, releasing the nucleobase queuine (q). Is likely required for salvage of queuine from exogenous queuosine (Q) that is imported and then converted to queuosine 5'-phosphate intracellularly. In vitro, can also catalyze the release of the q base directly from Q as substrate; however, Q may not be the biologically relevant substrate. Shows a very low activity on queuosine 3',5'-diphosphate, and cannot release q from queuosine 3'-phosphate and from the 5'-nucleotides AMP, UMP, CMP or GMP, indicating specificity for the queuine base.
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