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Poster Prizes Awarded at 12th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation

11/01 PDB101 News

At the 12th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation (August 21 - 24, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory), three RCSB PDB Poster Prizes were awarded to:

RCSB PDB News ImageXimena Barros-Alvarez (University of Washington) for Structure guided approach in the design of inhibitors against pathogenic protozoa targeting aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
RCSB PDB News ImageAvni Bhatt (University of Florida) for Structure activity relationships of benzenesulfonamide-based inhibitors towards carbonic anhydrase isoform specificity
RCSB PDB News ImageMike Thompson (UCSF) for Infrared Laser-Induced Temperature-Jump: A Universal Perturbation Method for Studying Protein Dynamics with Time-Resolved X-ray Scattering and Diffraction

Many thanks to the BSR organizers and judges. All 2016 awardees will be listed on the RCSB PDB website and will receive an educational book.