New Features

New Website Release


New and enhanced features have been added to the RCSB PDB, including:

  • A new Gene View illustrates the correspondences between the human genome and 3D structure. All human genes have been mapped to representative PDB protein chains (chosen from sequence clusters at 40% sequence identity) to show which regions of a gene are available in PDB coordinates.
  • Protein Feature View has been redesigned to improve readability and to add descriptions of protein function, subunit structure, and domains from UniProt, and an Exon Structure track from the gene mapping described above.
  • Ramachandran plots created by MolProbity are available from Structure Summary pages for X-ray crystal structures
  • The average temperature (B) factor has been added to the Refinement Details section of the tabular report creation options.
  • The website has been redesigned so that a new navigation menu at the top of the website replaces the traditional left-hand menu.

See the What's New page for more new features and examples.

New Features Index