New Features

Portable Molecules (of the Month)


Read Molecule of the Month articles in RCSB PDB Mobile.

(Click image to enlarge)
Read Molecule of the Month articles in RCSB PDB Mobile.

The RCSB PDB Mobile app for Apple iOS provides fast access to PDB searching and molecular visualization.

Click on the App Store link to access the free download of RCSB PDB Mobile.
Click on the App Store link to access the free download of RCSB PDB Mobile.

The entire catalog of Molecule of the Month articles is available. Each feature describes important biological molecules and how they function with descriptive text and illustrations. The molecules used as examples in the articles can be further explored and viewed in 3D.

Further information is available from the RCSB PDB Mobile information page, PDF flyer, and FAQ.

A version of the app for the Android platform is in development.

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