The structure of fragment B of FdeC (Factor Adherece E. coli), a novel broadly conserved E. coli adhesin, with structural homology to invasin and intimin

  • Deposited: 2011-08-29 Released: 2012-07-11 
  • Deposition Author(s): Spraggon, G., Nesta, B., Alteri, C., Gomes Moriel, D., Rosini, R., Veggi, D., Smith, S., Bertoldi, I., Pastorello, I., Ferlenghi, I., Fontana, M.R., Frankel, G., Mobley, H.L.T., Rappuli, R., Pizza, M., Serino, L., Soriani, M.
  • Entry 3TKV was removed from the distribution of released PDB entries (status Obsolete) on 2012-08-08.
  • It has been replaced (superseded) by 4E9L.