
Serial Time-resolved crystallography of Photosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser The S state after two flashes(S3)

  • Deposited: 2014-04-16 Released: 2014-07-16 
  • Deposition Author(s): Kupitz, C., Basu, S., Grotjohann, I., Fromme, R., Zatsepin, N., Rendek, K.N., Hunter, M., Shoeman, R.L., White, T.A., Wang, D., James, D., Yang, J.H., Cobb, D.E., Reeder, B., Sierra, R.G., Liu, H., Barty, A., Aquila, A., Deponte, D., Kirian, R.A., Bari, S., Bergkamp, J.J., Beyerlein, K., Bogan, M.J., Caleman, C., Chao, T.C., Conrad, C.E., Davis, K.M., Fleckenstein, H., Galli, L., Hau-Riege, S.P., Kassemeyer, S., Laksmono, H., Liang, M., Lomb, L., Marchesini, S., Martin, A.V., Messerschmidt, M., Milathianaki, D., Nass, K., Ros, A., Roy-Chowdhury, S., Schmidt, K., Seibert, M., Steinbrener, J., Stellato, F., Yan, L., Yoon, C., Moore, T.A., Moore, A.L., Pushkar, Y., Williams, G.J., Boutet, S., Doak, R.B., Weierstall, U., Frank, M., Chapman, H.N., Spence, J.C.H., Fromme, P.
  • Entry 4Q54 was removed from the distribution of released PDB entries (status Obsolete) on 2015-11-04.
  • It has been replaced (superseded) by 4RVY.