Chemical Component Summary

FormulaC24 H28 N2 O3
Molecular Weight392.491
Isomeric SMILESCC(C)(C)c1cc(c(cc1NC(=O)C2=CNc3ccccc3C2=O)O)C(C)(C)C

Chemical Details

Formal Charge0
Atom Count57
Chiral Atom Count0
Bond Count59
Aromatic Bond Count12

Drug Info: DrugBank

DrugBank IDDB08820 
Groups approved
DescriptionIvacaftor (also known as Kalydeco or VX-770) is a drug used for the management of Cystic Fibrosis (CF). It is manufactured and distributed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals. It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration on January 31, 2012[L768], and by Health Canada in late 2012.[L6841] Ivacaftor is administered as a monotherapy and also administered in combination with other drugs for the management of CF.[L6814,L6979,L6847] Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by one of several different mutations in the gene for the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) protein, an ion channel involved in the transport of chloride and sodium ions across cell membranes. CFTR is active in epithelial cells of organs such as of the lungs, pancreas, liver, digestive system, and reproductive tract. Alterations in the CFTR gene result in altered production, misfolding, or function of the protein and consequently abnormal fluid and ion transport across cell membranes.[A20298, A20299] As a result, CF patients produce thick, sticky mucus that clogs the ducts of organs where it is produced making patients more susceptible to complications such as infections, lung damage, pancreatic insufficiency, and malnutrition.[A20302] Prior to the development of ivacaftor, management of CF primarily involved therapies for the control of infections, nutritional support, clearance of mucus, and management of symptoms rather than improvements in the underlying disease process or lung function (FEV1). Notably, ivacaftor was the first medication approved for the management of the underlying causes of CF (abnormalities in CFTR protein function) rather than control of symptoms.[A20297]
  • N-(2,4-di-tert-butyl-5-hydroxyphenyl)-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxamide
  • Ivacaftor
  • Ivacaftorum
Brand Names
  • Symkevi
  • Trikafta
  • Orkambi
  • Symdeko
  • Kalydeco
IndicationWhen used as monotherapy as the product Kalydeco, ivacaftor is indicated for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) in patients aged one month and older who have one mutation in the CFTR gene that is responsive to ivacaftor potentiation based on clinical and/or _in vitro_ assay data.[L41320, L46337] When used in combination with the drug [lumacaftor] as the product Orkambi, ivacaftor is indicated for the management of CF in patients aged one year and older who are homozygous for the _F508del_ mutation in the CFTR gene. If the patient’s genotype is unknown, an FDA-cleared CF mutation test should be used to detect the presence of the _F508del_ mutation on both alleles of the CFTR gene.[L43060] When used in combination with [tezacaftor] in the product Symdeko, it is used to manage CF in patients 12 years and older who have at least one mutation in the CFTR gene or patients aged 12 or older who are shown to be homozygous for the F508del mutation.[L6814] When used in combination with tezacaftor and [elexacaftor] in the product Trikafta, it is indicated for the treatment of cystic fibrosis in patients 12 years of age and older who have at least one _F508del_ mutation in the CFTR gene.[L9395]
  • Amines
  • Aniline Compounds
  • Benzene Derivatives
  • Chloride Channel Activation Potentiators
  • Chloride Channel Agonists
  • R07AX32
  • R07AX31
  • R07AX02
  • R07AX30
CAS number873054-44-5

Drug Targets

NameTarget SequencePharmacological ActionActions
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulatorMQRSPLEKASVVSKLFFSWTRPILRKGYRQRLELSDIYQIPSVDSADNLS...unknownpotentiator
View More
Drug Info/Drug Targets: DrugBank 3.0: a comprehensive resource for 'omics' research on drugs. Knox C, Law V, Jewison T, Liu P, Ly S, Frolkis A, Pon A, Banco K, Mak C, Neveu V, Djoumbou Y, Eisner R, Guo AC, Wishart DS. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan; 39 (Database issue):D1035-41. | PMID:21059682

Related Resource References

Resource NameReference
Pharos CHEMBL2010601
PubChem 16220172