
Chemical Component Summary

FormulaC21 H25 Cl N6 O2
Molecular Weight428.915
Isomeric SMILESc1cc(ccc1[C@H](CCO)NC(=O)C2(CCN(CC2)c3c4cc[nH]c4ncn3)N)Cl

Chemical Details

Formal Charge0
Atom Count55
Chiral Atom Count1
Bond Count58
Aromatic Bond Count16

Drug Info: DrugBank

DrugBank IDDB12218 
  • approved
  • investigational
DescriptionHormone receptor (HR) positive, especially estrogen receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer is the most common subtype of metastatic breast cancer, resulting in more than 400,000 deaths annually. Although endocrine-based therapy is the first line of treatment, resistance eventually emerges, leaving chemotherapy the only but often ineffective treatment left. Therefore, significant research has been put into developing genetically targeted treatments.[A262021] The PIK3/AKT pathway is one of the most commonly activated pathways in breast cancer, mainly through the constitutively active mutation in AKT1, loss of function mutation in PTEN, a negative regulator of the PIK3/AKT pathway, or PIK3CA mutations. Therefore, targeting the PIK3/AKT pathway presents a promising approach for the treatment of breast cancer, leading to the development of capivasertib, a pan-AKT kinase inhibitor.[A262021,A262026,A262031] On November 17th, 2023, capivasertib, under the brand name TRUQAP, was approved by the FDA for the treatment of adult patients HR-positive, HER2-negative locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer with one or more alterations in PIK3CA/AKT1/PTEN gene(s) in combination with [fulvestrant]. This approval is based on favorable results obtained from the CAPItello-291 trial, where the combination of capivasertib and [fulvestrant] reduced the risk of disease progression or death by 50% versus [fulvestrant] alone.[L48706]
  • Capivasertib
  • Capivasertibum
Brand NamesTruqap
IndicationCapivasertib, in combination with fulvestrant, is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with hormone receptor (HR)-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-negative, locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer with one or more PIK3CA/AKT1/PTEN-alteration as detected by an FDA-approved test following progression on at least one endocrine-based regimen in the metastatic setting or recurrence on or within 12 months of completing adjuvant therapy.[L48691]
  • BCRP/ABCG2 Inhibitors
  • Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A Substrates
  • Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A4 Substrates
  • Cytochrome P-450 Substrates
  • MATE 1 Inhibitors
CAS number1143532-39-1

Drug Targets

NameTarget SequencePharmacological ActionActions
RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinaseMSDVAIVKEGWLHKRGEYIKTWRPRYFLLKNDGTFIGYKERPQDVDQREA...unknowninhibitor
RAC-beta serine/threonine-protein kinaseMNEVSVIKEGWLHKRGEYIKTWRPRYFLLKSDGSFIGYKERPEAPDQTLP...unknowninhibitor
RAC-gamma serine/threonine-protein kinaseMSDVTIVKEGWVQKRGEYIKNWRPRYFLLKTDGSFIGYKEKPQDVDLPYP...unknowninhibitor
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Drug Info/Drug Targets: DrugBank 3.0: a comprehensive resource for 'omics' research on drugs. Knox C, Law V, Jewison T, Liu P, Ly S, Frolkis A, Pon A, Banco K, Mak C, Neveu V, Djoumbou Y, Eisner R, Guo AC, Wishart DS. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jan; 39 (Database issue):D1035-41. | PMID:21059682

Related Resource References

Resource NameReference
Pharos CHEMBL2325741
PubChem 25227436