
Dimeric parallel-stranded tetraplex with 3+1 5' G-tetrad interface, single-residue chain reversal loops and GAG triad in the context of A(GGGG) pentad

NMR Experiment
ExperimentTypeSample ContentsSolventIonic StrengthpHPressureTemperature (K)Spectrometer
12D NOESYDNA 15N,13C90 MM KCL pH 7; 90%H2O,10% D2O90 mM KCl71 atm298
22D NOESYDNA 15N,13C90 MM KCL pH 7; 100% D2O
32D TOCSYDNA 15N,13C90 MM KCL pH 7; 90%H2O,10% D2O90 mM KCl71 atm298
41H-31P COSYDNA 15N,13C90 MM KCL pH 7; 100% D2O
51H-15N JRHMQCDNA 15N,13C90 MM KCL pH 7; 90%H2O,10% D2O90 mM KCl71 atm298
61H-13C JRHMBCDNA 15N,13C90 MM KCL pH 7; 90%H2O,10% D2O90 mM KCl71 atm298
NMR Spectrometer Information
SpectrometerManufacturerModelField Strength
NMR Refinement
distance geometry; simulated annealing; molecular dynamics; matrix relaxationthe structures are based on a total of 1689 restraints, 283 are NOE-derived distance constraints, 3 negative restraints, 84 dihedral angle restraints,104 distance restraints from hydrogen bonds, 243 intensity restraints (each of five mixing times)Felix
NMR Ensemble Information
Conformer Selection Criteriaall calculated structures submitted,back calculated data agree with experimental NOESY spectrum,structures with acceptable covalent geometry,structures with favorable non-bond energy
Conformers Calculated Total Number100
Conformers Submitted Total Number10
Representative Model1 (fewest violations,lowest energy)
Additional NMR Experimental Information
DetailsThe experiments 1H-15N HMBC, 1H-13C HMBC, 1H-13C HSQC, 1H-13C sHMBC were performed for assignments
Computation: NMR Software
#ClassificationVersionSoftware NameAuthor