PDB Statistics: PDB Data Distribution by Molecular Weight (Entity)

Molecular weight is calculated for each chemically distinct component of a PDB structure, e.g. protein, nucleic acid.

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Molecular Weight (Daltons)Number of Entities
< 5K39,786
5K - 10K43,638
10K - 15K71,035
15K - 20K54,271
20K - 25K53,775
25K - 30K42,709
30K - 35K31,130
35K - 40K27,677
40K - 45K20,568
45K - 50K15,364
50K - 55K12,582
55K - 60K9,257
60K - 65K6,474
65K - 70K4,782
70K - 75K3,353
>= 75K26,835